Emergency Eye Care
EYEHEAR Opticians & Audiologists (The Spectacle Maker) is an accredited Opticians which is part of the Northern Ireland Primary Eyecare Assessment and Referral Service (NI PEARS),which provides emergency eye care to anyone registered with a GP in Northern Ireland.
Over 100,000 patients in Northern Ireland attend hospital annually with eye problems, but many could be cared for close to home by an optometrist, freeing up hospital eye service appointments for more serious cases.
If you develop a sudden eye problem you can now contact us for advice and ask if you may be seen under the NI PEARS initiative.
If you are eligible an appointment will be offered within 48 hours by the optometrist to have the condition assessed, and where appropriate, treated, at no cost through Health and Social Care (HSC).
Our accredited Optometrists are your first point of call for any eye problems you may be experiencing. You should consult an Optometrist before going to the Doctor or Pharmacist.
EYEHEAR Opticians & Audiologists (The Spectacle Maker) is an accredited Opticians which is part of the Northern Ireland Primary Eyecare Assessment and Referral Service (NI PEARS),which provides emergency eye care to anyone registered with a GP in Northern Ireland.
Over 100,000 patients in Northern Ireland attend hospital annually with eye problems, but many could be cared for close to home by an optometrist, freeing up hospital eye service appointments for more serious cases.
If you develop a sudden eye problem you can now contact us for advice and ask if you may be seen under the NI PEARS initiative.
If you are eligible an appointment will be offered within 48 hours by the optometrist to have the condition assessed, and where appropriate, treated, at no cost through Health and Social Care (HSC).
Our accredited Optometrists are your first point of call for any eye problems you may be experiencing. You should consult an Optometrist before going to the Doctor or Pharmacist.
The NI PEARS service is aimed at patients with sudden onset eye conditions such as:
- Red eye(s)
- Significant pain and/or discomfort in the eyes, around the eye area
- Sudden reduction in vision in one or both eyes
- Recent onset or sudden increase of flashes and/or floaters in one or both eyes
- Suspected minor foreign body in the eye.

When you come in for your emergency appointment, we will check your vision and use appropriate tests to assess the problem you are having. From the results we may be able to find you a solution which can be dealt with in store or if referral is required onto a more appropriate location.
Patients must be registered with a GP in Northern Ireland and must remember to bring along their Health & Care number which is on their medical card.
We will always find you an appointment to see the Optometrist in an Emergency.
If you require an appointment for any of the above conditions, or another related eye problem you’re experiencing you can call 028 82257861
Emergency Eye appointments
If you’re experiencing any eye discomfort, pain or eyesight issues, we offer NHS emergency appointments 5 days per week. We will always try to see patients as quickly as possible usually within 48 hours.
When you come in for your emergency appointment, we will check your vision and to assess the problem you are having. From the results we will be able to find you a solution to the problem which may or may not include suitable medication or treatment.
The following Symptoms may indicate immediate medical attention:
- Double vision (seeing two things at once)
- Black spots or flashes of light
- Sudden vision loss in one eye
- Seeing halos or rainbows around light
- Loss of peripheral (side) vision
- Curtain-like disappearance of vision
- Eye injury or pain
- Sudden hazy or blurred vision
Other symptoms that may arise and require an appointment but may not require an emergency examination:
- Blurred vision
- Light sensitivity
- Red, crusty or swollen eyelids
- Burning, dry or itchy eyes
- Eye strain and/or frequent mild headaches
- Excessive eye tearing or watering
- Difficulty seeing dark environments