How Often Should You Get a New Pair of Glasses?

So, when should you switch to new glasses? We recommend updating to new glasses every one to three years as needed. However, there might be various factors suggesting it is time to change our old prescription for new ones.

Side Effects of Old Prescriptions

Wearing old prescriptions with the belief they are still functional for eyesight is a common misconception. Wearing glasses that are no longer your correct prescription can have a negative impact on your eyesight. Whether it’s a slight difference in your visual acuity or you’re experiencing double vision, it might mean that it’s time to get new glasses.

You should consider the possibility that you might need new glasses when you don’t have the same visual clarity as before. Maybe things seem a little blurry, or you’re finding that you’re having to squint to see what’s in front of you—this shouldn’t happen if you have the correct prescription.

A tell tale sign that it’s time to get new glasses is when you feel more relaxed or relieved after you take them off. That’s when you really know that you need new glasses. You should switch to new glasses to avoid experiencing eye strain, discomfort, and even headaches.

If you’re experiencing any of these effects, it’s time to switch out your old prescription for a new one, especially if it’s been over a year since you last visited your optometrist.

Signs of Wear and Tear

At your eye exam, the optometrist will check your glasses for signs of wear and tear – which is another reason to get new glasses. The current glasses you have may have experienced wear or tear that naturally distorts them. When your glasses have been distorted, it reduces their clarity and function. In this case, it is important to update to new glasses to have clarity in your lenses. Scratches on your glasses are a permanent damage that cannot be fixed, and could also impact the function of your spectacles. These small marks on your lenses makes it difficult to see with your glasses requiring us to get new glasses. In other cases, if we requested special coatings to be put on our glasses, like scratch-resistant or anti-reflective coatings, over time those coatings will begin to deteriorate. In this instance, you only need a new pair of glasses with a new set of coatings rather than a new prescription entirely. You might need to switch over to new glasses because our glasses are falling apart, whether it’s a result of natural distortion and wear and tear over time, or if you simply haven’t been taking good care of them.

Technological Improvements

Technology is advancing and with it the development of lenses for prescription glasses. It may not be a necessity to switch our glasses for new glasses, but we could get a new pair for the convenience of our vision. New technology makes it possible for you to obtain new glasses that are custom-made to your specifications. Depending on your preference and occupation, your vision may benefit from specific lenses that can meet every need your vision requires. You can request for your new glasses to have specific lenses that serve more than one purpose to our vision – for instance, progressive lenses. Progressive lenses provide those with the need for multiple powers in their glasses with the convenience of not having to switch off their glasses constantly.

New technology also allows you the opportunity to customize your glasses to your occupation, which is another reason you might consider switching out your glasses for a new pair. For example, if you are someone who is constantly doing computer work or working with technology it would be best to customize your glasses to meet the needs of our vision and eye health. Extended focus reader lenses have two focal lenses that are used for screen work and distance vision. You might not need a fresh new pair of glasses to see, but you can still switch over to new glasses to apply the new technology that can help and benefit your vision.

Comfort and Fashion

If you are someone who prefers to wear contacts rather than prescription glasses, you should think about new glasses the next time you get a new order of contacts. You can have both new glasses and contacts but only use the glasses when you are around the house. Our optometrist may recommend getting a new pair of glasses if you have a strong prescription. They may ask you to wear contact lenses for work hours or certain activities due to your prescription and for the contact lenses that are unbreathable. Switching over to new glasses would help ease your eyes from wearing contact lenses and wearing your old glasses if they cause mild discomfort to our ears or the bridge of your nose.

You should take into consideration the fashionable senses for getting new glasses. Glasses aren’t just a functional pair of correctional lenses to help us see – they are accessories as well. Your prescription glasses are as important as the rest of our outfit and reasons for dressing in a specific way. You can have glasses you wear on a regular basis for daily uses, but you can also get new glasses for special occasions, like evenings out or wedding events. Your current glasses may fulfill your needs in providing you with correctional lenses and daily uses, however, your glasses may not meet the fashion trends coming out. You can switch to new glasses if we want to keep up with fashion trends or if you want to update your lenses for more suitable occasions you may have that your current glasses may not fulfill.

When Should You Switch Out Your Sunglasses?

We need to switch our sunglasses as well, but not as often as our prescription glasses if we take good care of them. If your sunglasses are damaged, or the coatings on your sunglasses can begin to fall apart leaving behind the noticeable flake, it’s time to get new glasses. You should get new glasses when you begin to notice the coating falling apart because it could mean that the UV protective layer on your sunglasses isn’t working as well as it used to. When they are misaligned, damaged, or going out of trend, our sunglasses should be switched for new glasses.